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Whether you have a firm faith or are searching for answers, it's not easy to be a Christian on your own. Worship is at the heart of all that we do and are. From the earliest days of the church Christians have come together as a community to worship and pray.


8 am - Holy Communion 

This is a simple said service that lasts around 30 minutes.

We follow the traditional service from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.


9.30 am - Family Eucharist

Our main service is a sung Eucharist. The service includes music, both sung by the congregation and the choir. The worship lasts for around an hour and after please do stay for a coffee at the back of Church after the service. 

Visting for the first time?


6.30 pm - Evensong 

This sung service, according to the Book of Common Prayer, offers a simple yet moving way of ending the day. On the third Sunday of each month evensong takes place at our sister church, St Mary the Virgin North Shoebury. On the last Sunday of the month it is a service of Choral Evensong, back at Holy Trinity. Sign up to our e-newsletter on the homepage to receive regular updates on services.

Calendar of Services


There is a service of Holy Communion at 10 am on Wednesday, followed by coffee at the back of the Church. 


At various times throughout the year there are various services marking the Seasons and Saints. For more information please look at the news page. 



Children's Service
Visiting for the first time?

Visiting a new Church for the first time can be a daunting experience. Click here to learn more about what to expect. 

Find us: 

Holy Trinity, Southchurch Boulevard,

Southchurch, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4XA

Contact us:

01702 597596

8 Pilgrims Close, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4XF

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