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We are open for the following services:

Weekly on Sundays

8:00am Holy Communion (BCP)

9:30am Family Eucharist (Common Worship)

6:30pm Evensong

Evensong is a service of Choral Evensong on the last Sunday of each month

On the third Sunday of each month Evensong is held at our sister church, St Mary the Virgin


Weekly on Wednesdays

10:00am Holy Communion (BCP)


To stay up to date with any variations on our regular pattern of services, please sign up to our e-newsletter through the form on our home page.​


Find us: 

Holy Trinity, Southchurch Boulevard,

Southchurch, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4XA

Contact us:

01702 597596

8 Pilgrims Close, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4XF

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